Turnkey / Jobwork PCBA Manufacturing
We assemble, integrate and test electronic circuit boards with precision and quality. Our facilities are equipped with surface mount technology (SMT) lines and plated through hole (PTH) lines. We are experts in new product introduction (NPI) and prototyping.
We focus on low and mid-volume productions with High MIX, High complexity PCBAs. We cater our services to various high end industries globally.
Quick Turnaround Proto Realization
We understand that it is always required for a design house to develop their design or concept to a product in a rapid manner. Our highly skilled workforce and advance machineries make it happen for our clients without compromising on the quality.
Supply Chain Management
Our 20+ years of strongly established supply chain, helps us choose the right partner which ultimately benefits our customers. Our select and screened vendor base helps us source genuine parts with traceability in an extremely competitive environment.
Box build & System Integration
Hi-Rel provides end-to-end manufacturing services which is not limited to PCB assembly. We undertake Cable Harness, Box Build and testing services.
Our state-of-the-art facility, highly skilled engineering team and experienced workforce along with the best machinery and equipment ensure that every system build meets the highest standards of workmanship, quality, and reliability.
DFM Analysis
DFM reviews are performed at each stage of the manufacturing cycle. We perform analyses at the system level, components level and the PCB level. Issues related to assembly, services, quality, and processes are documented and delivered to the product design team. This helps design houses to take proper corrective and preventive measures before it turns in to volume production.
Full Life Cycle Management
We support our customers in each stage of the product development lifecycle, by supporting design, proto development, and product realisation. We give proper feedback and build a summary at each stage of the product development cycle, which improves the yield and manufacturability of the product.
Order Fulfilment
We encourage customers to schedule their orders and we strive hard to meet their delivery commitments. This in turn helps them meet their product demands without holding a huge liability. We support them to hold just-in-time inventory with minimum liability, and more flexibility.
Design & Development
We offer design services on a project to project basis, to help you move from a conceptual to a concrete product. Our highly skilled and experienced team will help you through the complete process in a personalized and rapid manner.